Version 5.1
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This CVC Generator allows you to generate Combinations of CVC's (3 levels of different data) in Excel for APO Demand Planning
It takes 6 Columns of data and generates any of the Cells that are highlighted in the Odd Columns and then builds an output File from these selections (it can include the Descriptions too if you want). The Workbook allows you to create your own Table of data and format the output by sorting the Columns, sorting the final output, adding in Blank Columns, inserting new Columns with auto-populated Text Fields, renaming the Headers for the Columns and repeating Columns. The Table can be moved anywhere on the Worksheet so that you can design it for your own Company requirements. There are many features - please see the list below
APO allows you to create single and multiple CVC's (Characteristic Value Combinations) for CPG's (Customer Planning Groups) by APO Products by APO Locations. You can create CVC's directly in APO or via an Excel Workbook and then Paste them from the Clipboard or upload them from a flat file. The SAP Transaction Code is /n/SAPAPO/MC62 - Maintain Planning-Relevant Characteristic Combinations, Create Characteristic Combinations. CVC Generator makes this process a lot easier
Open the 'CVCGenerator.xlsm' File. You will see that some Cells are selected by default for 'CVC1', 'CVC2' and 'CVC3'. Press the 'Generate Combinations' Button
The "CVC'S" Worksheet will be displayed together with the generated combinations built from the selected CVC'S from left to right, the first combination being '12345', 'B2P', 'BA06', the next being '12345', 'B2P', 'BA08' and so on and so forth. The format that these are displayed in has been specifically designed by adjusting the settings on the Options Sheet, so Location, Customer Planning Group, then 3 Columns of Product Codes but with different Headers, a Product Sales Org. and a Sales Organisation. You can can also build up Columns of values from the selections made, inserting Blank Columns or Text. This is very useful if your values must always be in a specific format following the combination selection. You will notice that the Descriptions are ignored - they are there for you to identify your lists, for example a list of Products would most likely have recognisable Product Names as opposed to a series of Product Codes. You can however output the Descriptions too. The same can be said for a list of Locations or Plants. For more information, see The CVC's Worksheet
Follow these 5 quick steps to start using the CVC Generator or read more about the The CVC Generator Worksheet
Press the 'Clear All' Button on the "CVC Generator" Worksheet Copy and Paste your required CVC Codes and/or Descriptions into the "CVC Generator" Worksheet Tweak any of the options on the "Options" Worksheet, for example you may wish to add a separate Column of specific data Highlight the required CVC combinations and press the Generate Combinations Button Copy the generated CVC's into APO or use for any other kind of generation where combinations need to be spawned en masse
The Buttons shown in the "CVC Generator" Worksheet use Slicers connected to the Pivot Tables in the "Options" Worksheet. The Buttons use a Cell to store the Name of the Button and a Cell to slightly reformat the Name to include padding to center the Text better in the Slicers. These Cells are protected but you can unprotect them in the Code and edit them if you wish (go into the Code Editor and into the Code Module for the "Options" Worksheet - comment out the Code). They also contain Data Validation which you must also clear before editing them. When you have edited a Button Cell, you will need to click in a Cell in the respective Table and use right-click, refresh to refresh the Pivot Table. The Code to capture Pivot Table Slicer clicks is in the 'ThisWorkbook' Code Module - it is fairly simple to understand and each click will run the appropriate Subroutine in the 'mdlSubroutines' Code Module
The "CVC Generator" Worksheet is where you add your own specific Combinations of CVC's. These may be Products, Customer Planning Groups and Depots. A Table is provided for you to do this. The Table can be moved anywhere in the Worksheet and the Code will still work
The way that you create the Combinations is by selecting the Odd Column Cells for the Combinations that you want to generate permutations. So for instance in the first image at the top of this article I selected or highlighted 2 CVC1's (or Products - these Products can be in any order or be disparate). I then selected 3 CVC2's (or Customer Planning Groups) and then 5 CVC3's (or Depots). So I will be generating 2 x 3 x 5 = 30 Combinations
Once you have made your selections, press the 'Generate Combinations' Button to generate the Combinations. There are 'Clear' Buttons to clear the highlighted Cells in each Odd Column and a 'Clear All' Button to clear all highlighted Cells within the entire data Table. You can change the highlight Fill Colour and the highlight Font Colour on the "Options" Worksheet
The "CVC'S" Worksheet is used for the output of the selected CVC's and the resulting Combinations. The first Row is set to Bold to highlight the Headers and has Freeze Panes set (you can remove this if you like). The data output can be formatted with Blank Columns and / or repeated Columns of generated Combinations. The headers can be renamed to anything that you like (they can even be the same name). The output can have Columns set to Autofit the width of the data and Headers. You can adjust the Zoom level if required and do some other formatting to this Worksheet, just remember each time Combinations are generated, the Cells contents will be cleared (I do not clear the formatting)
Here is a Video of the latest version of CVC Generator in use to create combinations for APO. Music is 'Streets Of Punjab by Hanu Dixit'
I have selected some combinations by Highlighting the data in the 3 Columns. I will now press the 'Generate Combinations' Button to generate all of my chosen combinations
I have outlined Product '10001', CPG's 'B01->B05' and Depots 'B002', 'B008' and 'B016'
I chose to simply output the 6 Columns, '1,2,3,4,5,6' in consecutive order, which is what you see in the Image above for the created combinations
There are currently no frequently asked questions about this Software that cannot be answered via this documentation
Please remember you have purchased very affordable Software and you have not paid for a full-time Software design agency - I am but one man. Occasionally I may help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a much lower priority due to their nature. You have not PAID for Support, Support is 100% optional and I provide it for your convenience, so please be patient, polite and respectful
You can find the version history in the Code Module for any Macro-enabled Software or read more information below. The latest Version is always shown first
Use the Scrollbar at the bottom to scroll right to read the Changelog 07.11.2023 - (Version 5) added the ability to remove the formatting in the first Table Column if the delete button is pressed. Tidied up a small bug whereby the automatic Copy feature added in 4.4 (Not released) did not highlight a single Row of combinations. Added the ability to maintain lists in the Code so that when a button is pressed, Codes are automatically highlighted in a Table Column (very useful when making supersessions in APO when you need to replicate all of the CVC's of another Product). Added the ability to Copy & Paste a list of CVC2 Codes (I chose CPG or Customer Planning Group Codes)into the Table to highlight the values - these can be adjusted to highlight other Columns if needed. Did a Rubberduck on the Code Indentations & Insections but due to how old the Code is now, I merely ignored or supressed most of the warnings - this Software has been operating day in and day out at the Company I work for, for about 10 years without any issues with multiple users going into the Workbook at once (so I don't imagine many issues / bugs persist) 09.06.2018 - (Version 4.3) added the ability to deselect an individual Cell formatting by double-clicking the Cell 20.04.2016 - (Version 4.2.1) removed some obsolete Defined Names. Added some informative Text Boxes on the "Options" Worksheet 08.03.2016 - (Version 4.2) changed the GUI slightly as almost half of the Screen in Excel is lost when users enlarge their Screen resolution due to eye-sight issues. also removed some of the over-use of Colour Fill for the Titles & reduced the default Zoom level rendering a much nicer GUI - as per Q & A from Website - added the ability to Sort the Columns post output and insert Columns into the output where users may require additional Columns populated with a field value that will be copied down the output Range (modified SortInsertArrayColumns() in Multiplex Class) - protection applied to the Table Cells in the Options Table where you select your Column Output Order List to prevent deletion of the Formula 03.03.2016 - (Version 4.1) added code to turn off screen drawing whilst outputting the cvc's Use Cells.ClearContents as opposed to selecting the Cells first & then clearing the Selection Use Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit as opposed to selecting the Cells first & then performing autofit on the Column Selections - tweak to the main loop used to generate the CVC Combinations - by using the Lenb() function to check for Empty array slots & then exiting each For loop, I managed to speed up the main loop efficiency by up to 50% 22.02.2016 - (Version 4) released