
Introducing Boho (MP3 Player AddIn)

Boho (MP3 Player AddIn) - create Playlists and Play MP3 Music from files on your Computer or Stream from a Website in Excel

Have you ever wanted to play MP3's in Excel?

Well here is an AddIn for Excel that lets you do just that. It is called 'Boho' featuring a Bohemian themed GUI ("Boho" is the short form of "bohemian," which means socially unconventional). You can create Playlists of MP3's from files on your computer or from URL's from Websites and then play them in the background whilst still working in Excel. You can create / delete / edit Playlists and adjust the volume using a Slider on the Settings Dialog. Boho uses your default Media Player to launch the Music and iterate your Playlists all using the 'mciSendString()' library commands

Boho uses Toasts to send messages to the Screen for MP3 Player comands and UserForm Slider Buttons to create the UserForm Volume Slider to adjust the volume of your MP3's

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UserForm Slider Buttons ·  Toasts ·  UserFormExtensibility


  • Excel 2016 (32bit or 64bit version 16.0)
  • Basic to moderate Excel Skills to add the AddIn into Excel
  • Windows PC · NOT a Mac!
  • No support is provided for customization of this Software


  • Play, Next Track, Previous Track, Stop & Pause playback Ribbon Buttons
  • Boho recognises URL's for MP3's. Add a URL to an MP3 and stream directly from online sources. 2 Files written by myself are free to play directly from
  • Cool UI, Rounded Buttons with Transparency featuring a Bohemian theme
  • Playlist Editor that allows you to create / delete / edit files and handles duplicate Playlist Names
  • Edit Playlist: Drag n Drop capability when adding Files to a Playlist
  • Edit Playlist: ListBox Right-click Menu to Move Files across, Up or Down and Sort Files Ascending or Descending
  • Continuous Playback, MP3 will Play in the background whilst you work in Excel
  • Rapid Playlist creation. Type and Enter for new Playlists
  • Uses my UserForm Slider Buttons Software for the Volume Control on the Settings UserForm - UserForm Slider Buttons
  • Uses my Toast Software for stacking messages to the bottom of the Excel Window - Toasts
  • Uses my Free Multiplex Class for Array handling - Download Version 8
  • Uses my UserFormExtensibility Software for the Dialogs - UserFormExtensibility
  • Full debug output to the Immediate Window if required including all of the mciError return values and Notify Callback information from your Media Player device
  • For MP3's that may not play then you can download and install this small Codec: 'K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1735_Basic.exe' from codecguide


Right-click on the file, '' and extract the contents to yur computer. Two files are included with this Software, the .XLSM Code for Boho and the .XLAM AddIn itself. Open the file 'Boho.xslm' to see the Code behind the MP3 Player for Excel. Follow the information below to install the file 'Boho.xlam'

Install the AddIn

To Install the 'Boho.xlam' AddIn File. Copy the file Boho.xlam (right-click, Copy). Open Excel. File->Options. Click on Add-ins. Click 'Go...'. Click 'Browse'. Right-click and Paste the AddIn. Select the File and click OK. Click OK again. The AddIn is now installed and ready for use - you should receive the following success notification via the Installer see Fig. 1. Uninstalling Boho is the opposite process to this - simply uncheck the Boho AddIn to remove it from Excel once you have done File->Options. Click on Add-ins

Links to Support and are included on the Installer. Please read all of the info on the individual Sheets and in this online documentation before you begin to edit and create your own Playlists using Boho MP3 Player or before turning to Support

Fig. 1


Play, Play Next Track, Play Previous Track, Stop and Pause Ribbon Control Buttons

The Ribbon Playback Control Buttons

Once installed as an AddIn, Boho will be set to the Default Playlist with 2 Free Tracks that can be streamed from Pressing 'Play' will begin the Track 'Mello.mp3' written by Mark Kubiszyn. When you press the Play Button on the Ribbon a 'Toast' Message will popup informing you of the the Track Name. Press 'Pause' to pause the Track. Press 'Play' again to resume the Track with another popup 'Toast' Message. Now press 'Next Track' to skip to the next Track in the Default Playlist, 'Horizon.mp3' also written by Mark Kubiszyn and also streamed from Press the 'Stop' Track to stop this Track. Press the 'Previous Track' Button on the Ribbon to go back to the 'Mellow.mp3' Track. This is how you can navigate Tracks within a Playlist using Boho

Select, New, Edit, Delete and Settings Options Buttons

The Ribbon Playlist Option Buttons

The Playlist Options are all about creating and maintaining your Playlists in Boho. Click the 'Select' Button. It will bring up the Select Playlist Dialog. Here you can pick a Playlist and the Track to begin playback:

Click on the 'New' Button. It will bring up the create New Playlist Dialog. Here you can simply enter a Playlist Name and then press the Enter Button to create it. I created a Playlist called 'A New Playlist' which was added to the 'BohoPlaylists' Sheet that would normally be hidden inside the AddIn. You can type and press Enter here to very quickly set up multiple Playlists which can also have duplicate Names. If you type a new Playlist but don't press Enter you can still create it by clicking the 'OK' Button. Click the 'Cancel' Button to exit without creating the latest Playlist that is entered in the New Playlist Text Box

Click on the 'Delete' Button. It will bring up the Delete Playlist Dialog. Here you can select an available Playlist from the Playlist Drop-down and then delete it. You cannot delete the 'Default' Playlist. A Message will be displayed as to the success of the delete operation. Click 'OK' to close the dialog

Click on the 'Settings' Button. It will bring up the Settings Dialog. Here you can change the 'Volume' for output and some 'General Settings'. Move the Slider to increase and decrease the volume. If you check the 'On looping, repeat playlist from selected track' then when the Playlist finishes playing it will automatically start at the Track that was selected using the Select Playlist Dialog. Click 'OK' to save any pending changes or 'Cancel' to close the dialog

Click on the 'Edit' Button. It will bring up the Edit Playlist Dialog. Here you change the Playlist Name and add, remove, Drag n Drop Tracks or URL's. Select a Playlist from the Drop-down. Now if it is not the Default Playlist then you can change the Playlist Name - click 'Save' to save the change. Click 'Add' to bring up an Open File Dialog to add tracks - you can select multiple tracks. Once these have been selected they will appear in the ListView on the right-hand side of the dialog. You can Drag n Drop these files across or use right-click->Add all to move all of the tracks across. You can also use right-click in the ListView on the left-hand side to sort the tracks 'Sort Z-A' and 'Sort A-Z'. You can also use 'Remove from list' to remove a single track or 'Remove All' to remove all of the tracks. Finally you can use 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' to move tracks around in the ListView

If you want to stream an MP3 from an online resource, you will need to press the 'URL' Button and then type or Paste a full URL Path and File to an MP3 File like this (click the 'Save' Button to save any changes):

Screen Shots

Boho MP3 Player AddIn before installation detailing the Bohemian Settings Dialog and the Ribbon Menu

If you want to stream an MP3 from an online resource, you will need to press the 'URL' Button and then type or Paste a full URL Path and File to an MP3 File like this (click the 'Save' Button to save any changes)

Boho Select and Edit a Playlist Dialog (add tracks...)

Boho New Playlist Dialog (create a new playlist...)

Boho Select a Playlist and Track to Play Dialog

Boho Choose Playlist to Delete

The Boho MP3 Player Ribbon Menu


Q. Can Boho play MP4's?
A. Boho can play MP4's however a separate dialog may open to allow the audio and / or video and these dialogs or Windows may be Modal and not selectable until you stop the track

Q. I have an issue where Boho doesn't open all of my MP3's - how can I resolve this?
A. You may need to download a 'Codec' as I did to play all of your MP3's. I downloaded the 'K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1735_Basic.exe' from codecguide


This is a video of Boho in action. Music featured is 'Immortal and Statement - NEFFEX' plus 'Mellow and Horizon written by Mark Kubiszyn' · view the Boho video on YouTube

Caution: Music may contain Explicit Lyrics, please listen at your own risk!


Support is 100% optional and I provide it for your convenience, so please be patient, polite and respectful

Support for my Software

  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the Software and its features
  • Fixing valid (replicated) bugs and reported issues for the VERSION I HAVE WRITTEN

Software support does not include

  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software or ANY kind of development whatsoever

Before seeking support

  • Make sure your question is a valid Software Issue and not a customization request
  • Make sure you have read through the FAQ's, online documentation and any related video guides before asking support on how to accomplish a task
  • Ensure that you access to the VBOM is allowed and that Macros can run in Excel
  • Make sure to provide 'proof of purchase' and state the name / version of the Software that you are having issues with when requesting support by Email or via Facebook

How to get Support

Contact Mark Kubiszyn on the Email address provided when you purchased the Software, including the Order Number
Remember to be patient, if there has been an issue with your download, Mark will always respond within 48 hours and will Email you the File directly if neccessary. For other issues the response time may be considerably longer and I may choose to respond to specific questions only (as is my right), depending on what has been asked

Future Builds

* No ideas as yet!

Bug Fixes

Raised 11.01.2023: Clicking OK in Edit Dialog doesn't SAVE pending changes because the ClearPlaylist doesn’t work for Default Playlist
Status: Open

Raised 11.01.2023: When installed as an AddIn, clicking Exit on the Excel Application whilst a Toast Message is being displayed results in a crash
Status: Fixed 12.01.2023, move the ToastMessage call above the WinProc API callback call!


You can find the version history in the Code Module for any Macro-enabled Software or read more information on the status of each release here
- the latest Version including a description of any changes made is always shown first

01.02.2023 - (Version 1)

General release of Boho MP3 Player AddIn