Introducing Zingy or zing·ing [ zing-ee ] for Excel
Animated HTML Dialog & Lightbox with easing for Excel (32bit or 64bit, Version 16) · Build Beautiful, Modern Animated UserForms for Excel
Zingy is an extremely powerful, versatile, HTML-driven, JavaScript Animated Dialog for Excel built upon my Avante-garde Software with a number of significant enhancements including 7 Classes that drive the Interface and lots of new Skins, Icons and awesome Animations. All main parts of the Dialog can be set to be Draggable, for example you can grab it by the Titlebar or the Footer and drag the Dialog around the Screen after its initial Animation (you can even create Multiple, draggable Dialogs ontop of each other). A new Properties Class allows you to tweak a whole raft of the HTML settings adding total flexibility and styling customisation. Zingy also uses modern Google Fonts and the 'Rajdhani' Font is its default 'FontFamily' but this can also be changed and you can have different Dialogs using different Font Families and Font Weights if you want. You can choose to set the Colour and the main parts of the Dialog will be rendered in that Colour ie. the Icon, Rollover Close Cross and Buttons Background. The same Colour is also used by the High/Low Span Tags to highlight and lowlight Text. Even the 3D Button Borders and Border Radius can be altered. Zingy can be Skinned using Base64 encoded images with 62 different skins, 53 Icons, PNG images and Preloaders to choose from and animated via JavaScript using 38 different animations. Zingy uses my latest 'Easing' Lightbox to render your Dialogs if required or to simply use as a Lightbox overlay. You can also use Zingy to present Checkboxes, Radiobuttons, Drop-down Combos, Listboxes, Edit Boxes, Password Boxes and collect the data chosen or entered; a classic example of this is demonstrated through a Login Zingy Dialog · check out all of the Screen Shots including the Makeovers, Lightbox with easing and Awesome images from the Menubar on the left-hand side. New for Zingy 1.2 - use Preloaders
If you love Zingy, you may also like any of the following Software · all of the Skins, Icons and Animations used in Zingy, are backward-compatible with Avente-garde and Wild Oliva
Avante-garde · Wild Oliva · Zombie
- Microsoft Excel 2016 Version 16 (32bit or 64bit) · designed for Office 365 Windows 11
- Moderate to Strong Excel & VBA skills
- Windows PC · NOT a Mac!
- No support is provided for customization of this Software
- My Favourite Embedded Skins (62), SVG Icons, PNG images and Preloaders (53) & Animations (38) · check out some of the New Animations in Version 1.1
- Combine some of the Dark Skins with my Wet Chalk range of Colours to create some stunningly beautiful Dialog Boxes for Excel
- Use my easing White or Black Lightbox to overlay your Dialogs - you have a choice of around 36 different easing functions
- Super-fast and Silky-slick Hand-picked Animations
- Lightweight Google Fonts, the default 'Rajdhani' Font used in the 'FontFamily' Parameter, includes Weights '300;400;500;600;700' as standard for you to choose
- A Properties Class which is a very flexible Interface for the Dialog Class allowing for a lot of Bespoke Customisation
- Capture 5 Different Methods of Return Value from the Animated Dialog. Use as a Modeless Dialog and still respond to return values
- Change the Width and Height of your Zingy Dialogs
- White & Black Easing Lightbox Overlay
- Specific Elements of the Dialog are Draggable, for example you can grab the Titlebar and drag the Dialog around (even with multiple Dialogs). Options are: Titlebar, Textbox (Content Area for Icon and Text), Titlebar and Textbox or Modal (entire Dialog)
- Create Multiple Zingy Dialogs ontop of each other
- Use an alternative subtle method for the Mouse hover on the Close Cross using Opacity and no background Colour
- Use Themes, like Default, Dark or Navy; Zingy Themes allow you to maintain specific Colours throughout the Dialog and can be edited or added to create bespoke Themes. You can also combine these with Property Colours like Banana or Blue Wet Chalk and Skins like Carbon or Grey Squares to create stunning looking Dialog Interfaces
- Rollover, interactive Close Cross and Buttons with Tooltips
- Remove the 3D Border on a Button Rollover or Mouseover if required
- Use the <span> tags to Highlight parts of your Titlebar or Textbox Text or use the Overrides in the Properties Class to set your own Highlighting Colours. You can also combine both of these methods using your own 'Inline' Styles
- Use 3D Line tags like '<hr id=line>' to create 3D lines in the Zingy Text area
- Over 70 Colours as pre-defined TColours Enum like DistressedBlue, MuddySquishy etc.
- Create and present Ordered and Unordered lists of data to user
- Use Checkboxes to capture user selections and then display the results
- Use Radiobuttons to allow a user to make a single selection from many options
- Use a Listbox to allow users to select one or more options
- Use Inputs for example in a Logon/Login Dialog for a Username and a Password
- Use a Dropdown Combo Box to allow a user to pick a single option from a drop-down list
- Over 100 Examples of Zingy Dialogs with various Skins, Animations, Icons and Colour Themes
- If you want to see how I created Zingy, then you can view the complete Markup HTML File
- Encode and use any PNG as an Icon
- New for Version 1.2: use Animated GIF's like Preloaders. The GIF must be Base64 encoded similar to the Skins
- New for Version 1.4: use alternative Closs Cross Symbols like Hearts and / or Thin Close Crosses
- - reposition the Close Cross and give it a bespoke Tooltip or remove the Tooltip altogether
- - remove the Icon using 'NoIcon' and then write any Markup as the Text, for example, I demonstrate how to pull a Zombie image directly from
- - remove the Footer of the Zingy Dialog
- - timeout to run after the 'AnimationIn' has ended. You can set any time in Milliseconds ie. 3 * 1000 for 3 seconds. The Dialog will Timeout regardless of whether or not the Dialog is being dragged and begin its 'AnimationOut'
- New for Version 1.5: ten new Skins and an example (164) demonstrating data gathering - picking up values from Cells and then editing them in Input Boxes on a Zingy Dialog and then writing them back out again
- - automatically set each Checkbox as either On or Off using TRUE and FALSE
The Font used throughout this Software in Excel is called 'Rajdhani', in a variety of weights from 300 up to 700. Zingy uses Google Fonts and you can use any Font that is available from Google - I demonstrate 'Raleway', 'Indie Flower' and 'Poppins' Fonts for Examples 90 through to 91. Check out Google Fonts here. Zingy Fonts are automatically downloaded on-the-fly so they will work no matter where the Workbook is stored as long as there is an internet connection, which is like, almost everywhere these days!Credits
The image embedded into Excel for the Zingy Workbook is Abstract Geometric Pattern Background Vector by Leon Hossain purchased under a Vecteezy Pro license. You can view and purchase the file hereFor some of the Seamless Background Patterns used for the Maekover Zingy Dialogs, I used images that are free on Unsplash. These images were by: Kelly Sikkema · Patrick Hendry · Jon Tyson · Koushik Chowdavarapu · Sydney Rae · Visax
The Zingy Skins are Base64 encoded patterns that can be downloaded from
Icons were downloaded from FontAwesome · (Free License)
The Zingy File is Compressed and Cleaned using VBADecompiler.exe by Orlando
Code Inspections are maintained using Rubberduck
Base64 Image Files can be encoded using
Animations using the Animation Library called Animate by Daniel Eden · Github · Animate.CSS
Additional, awesome Animations like the 'SlideOutBlurredRight' from Code Generated by Animista
If you want to create and name more Colours, then Colour Name Finder can be used on
If you want to create a new Seamless Pattern from your own images then you can use
The Zingy Preloaders used in Version 1.2 were created using
Some additional Icons were created from Icons with Free Licenses (Icon resources that may or may not have been used in Zingy):
The KeyPass Icon is from a set of Icons by CheckoutDeliveryIcons_EpicPxls
The Email Icon is from a set of 'bikini60s' Icons by Sebastiano Guerriero
Additional Email and Paper Icons are from two sets of 'Flat' Icons by Pierre Borodin (set 1) and Pierre Borodin (set 2)
Batman and Superman images can be found on by Pasquale Vitiello - you can find more examples of his work here
The Zombie image used in version 1.4 is from by Zilena De Souza
Please note: Zingy.xlsm comes with everything embedded and therefore has a fairly large filesize (the Skins bloat the .xlsm file despite compression)
You will most likely want to have 1 or 2 Skins for your final Zingy. You can build an extremely small, efficient Zingy yourself with any or all of the Animations and Icons whilst still keeping the embedded contents to a minimum by Reading this Section
Right-click and extract the contents of the File A small Minimal Zingy File called 'Minimal Zingy Single Skin.xlsm' is an example of a fully-featured Zingy Dialog but with just 1 Skin at 124 KB (Cleaned, will expand slightly when used and resaved). All of the Animations, Skins and Icons are stored in the 'Skins, Icons & Animations' Folder. These are encoded Files. Please see the Usage Section for more information. Open Zingy.xlsm and test out all of the Examples (there are over 100 Examples to choose from)
To use Zingy in your own Projects open a backup of Zingy.xlsm and your own Macro-enabled Project. Then open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) and drag the Dialog, Easing, Effect, HTMLEvents, Properties, SystemMetric and SystemTiming Classes into your Project. Zingy builds its own UserForms therefore there are no UserForms to add, however you must 'MOVE' the hidden Sheet called 'Sheet999' into your own Project as it contains all of the Embedded Animations, Skins and Icons. Once that has been done, you can add and configure any of the Example Code Subroutines in any of the 'Examples' Code Modules to use the Zingy interface
Take some time to examine how Zingy works and read the 'Usage' Section in this online documentation before you begin to create your own Skins and Icons! or before turning to Support. Please see the Usage Section for more information
How to use Zingy
The Examples
On the 'Examples' Sheet you will find all of the Zingy examples in a number of different sections. Each Example has one Hyperlink to go directly to the Examples Code and another to run the demonstration and display the Zingy Dialog
To display a Zingy Dialog you would typically use Code like this (here I use full Named Arguments for all of the Parameters so that you can use the Intellisense for the Enumerations):
Public Sub DefaultThemeSkinless() ' Zingy Properties. even if you do not set any paramaters you need to include this declaration Set Self = New Properties Self.ButtonFontWeight = 500 Self.ButtonBorderRadius = 0 Self.ButtonBackground = "#1B2E3D" Self.ButtonTop3DBorderColour = "#2F516B" Self.RemoveBorderOnButtonRollover = True ' Zingy Dialog Dim Zingy As Dialog Set Zingy = New Dialog With Zingy .Animate Title:="This is a Skinless Zingy Dialog", _ Message:="You can drag this Dialog <i>around the screen</i> by all of the different parts of the dialog with the exception of the interactive buttons", _ Colour:=ZingyYellow, _ Theme:=Default, _ Icon:=Info, _ IconSize:=60, _ AnimationIn:=Bounce, _ AnimationOut:=Roadrunner, _ SpeedIn:=Allegretto, _ SpeedOut:=Allegrissimo, _ Skin:=Skinless, _ ButtonText:="Okay|Cancel", _ AllowModalClick:=False, _ DialogHeight:=200 .Kill End With End Sub
The Dialog above is a Skinless Zingy Dialog using the default Theme which is Navy coloured. Zingy uses a Properties Class to add bespoke customisation to lots of HTML elements and Zingy properties like the Button Font Weight or the option to remove the Border of the Button when the Mouse is rolled over the Button. Zingy requires a declaration in one of your Code Modules to declare the Class like this:
Public Self As New PropertiesZingy also requires the following line of Code in every Subroutine you write in order to work regardless of whether you actually use any of the Properties in the Properties Class or not:
Set Self = New PropertiesHere is a full list of the available Properties to tweak your Zingy Dialog (where it states NoColour you can use any of the TColour Enumerations):
Self.BorderColour = "#121212" Self.BorderThickness = 1 Self.HeaderColour = "#1B2E3D" Self.HeaderBorderBottomThickness = 1 Self.FooterColour = "#28445A" Self.FooterBorderTopThickness = 1 Self.TitleFontWeight = 600 Self.TitleFontSize = 15 Self.TextboxFontWeight = 400 Self.TextboxFontSize = 15 Self.ButtonFontWeight = 400 Self.ButtonFontSize = 15 Self.ButtonBorderRadius = 4 Self.ButtonMargin = 70 Self.ButtonTopOffset = -32 Self.ButtonTop3DBorderColour = "#363636" Self.ButtonBottom3DBorderColour = "#121212" Self.RemoveBorderOnButtonRollover = False Self.RemoveButtonTooltips = False Self.ButtonBackground = "#2C2C2C" Self.ButtonRolloverFontColour = "#eeeeee" Self.Draggable = Modal Self.CloseCrossRolloverFontColour = "#FEFEFE" Self.CloseCrossOpacity = SolidBackground Self.IconColour = NoColour Self.CloseCrossBackgroundColour = NoColour Self.CloseCrossBackgroundBorderRadius = 0 Self.CloseCrossRolloverBackgroundColour = NoColour Self.ButtonColour = NoColour Self.TitleHighlightColour = NoColour Self.TextboxHighlightColour = NoColour Self.ListOfItems = vbNullString Self.ListOfItemsLeftMargin = 35 Self.GetInput = vbNullStringThe Main Zingy Parameters
Zingy has a lot of its own Parameters in the '.Animate()' Function. Here are all of the Parameters that you can pass or adjust in normal use. The Title and Message String are pretty self-explanatory but I will discuss the important ones as we go. To destroy a Zingy Dialog simply use the .Kill() Subroutine:
' Zingy Dialog Dim Zingy As Dialog Set Zingy = New Dialog With Zingy .Animate Title:="This is a Skinless Zingy Dialog", _ Message:="You can drag this Dialog around the screen by all of the different parts of the dialog with the exception of the interactive buttons", _ Colour:=ZingyYellow, _ Theme:=Default, _ Icon:=Info, _ IconSize:=60, _ IconPosition:=FloatLeft, _ AnimationIn:=Bounce, _ AnimationOut:=Roadrunner, _ SpeedIn:=Allegretto, _ SpeedOut:=Allegrissimo, _ Skin:=Skinless, _ ButtonText:="Okay|Cancel", _ AllowEscapeKey:=True, _ AllowModalClick:=False, _ RoundCorner:=2, _ BoxShadow:=True, _ DialogWidth:=400, _ DialogHeight:=200 .Kill Delay:=0.02 End WithThe Zingy TColours
Zingy uses a combination of pre-defined TColours like 'Banana' which are Enumerations using Long Colour Codes and HTML Colour Codes like '#AAAAAA' and in the following context:
' when passing as a TColour just use the actual Colour Name Colour:=BananaAnd here is a full list of the Zingy TColours Names together with their Long Colour Codes (No Colour := 0 is actually Black but is used as an identifyer for the Class Initialisation and should therefore be ignored):
Public Enum TColour NoColour = 0 ZingyBlue = 5915688 ZingyDarkNavy = 2629138 ZingyNavyBlack = 1709068 ZingyNavy = 4009499 ZingyYellow = 1422074 ZingyRed = 2378211 BurntRed = 4734845 GeoOrange = 7113449 GeoGreen = 12443331 GeoLightBlue = 10853959 GeoBlue = 9207888 GeoRed = 6706136 GeoCream = 11590901 Mint = 12759443 Cobalt = 10247168 Brown = 2894892 Brownish = 7506590 Blackish = 591360 Bluish = 10919566 Orangish = 5929180 Rusty = 993631 MuddySquishy = 3820108 Mud = 3033954 Muddy = 1850727 MuddyRed = 333918 BurntCaramel = 6660805 BurntYellow = 2720660 BurntGreen = 6527590 BurntPink = 8679061 Turquoise = 10128434 Purple = 14978219 Sun = 36799 Gold = 623555 Leaf = 3506772 Banana = 6660805 Grey = 5655622 LightGrey = 14277081 ExcelDarkGreen = 4616993 PictonBlue = 13998939 Rhino = 5391420 Scooter = 10128434 Eclipse = 3684411 YellowWetChalk = 11126221 BlueWetChalk = 11511702 PinkWetChalk = 10720673 RedWetChalk = 7105151 NeonLime = 4259755 NeonOrange = 3718889 DirtyNeonOrange = 2782924 DistressedBlue = 8552310 DistressedGreen = 1840392 DarkGreen = 2828288 DeepGreen = 591362 ChalkSolidzFormica = 8816528 CoffeeBean = 3947585 DarkChalkboardBrown = 2500389 ParquetChalkboardIvory = 12504007 ParquetChalkboardBrown = 3750456 PantoneMauveShadows = 10786998 PantoneDeuvilleMauve = 9736879 PantoneAlmostMauveChalk = 14343399 PantoneMauveChalk1 = 13619429 PantoneMauveChalk2 = 14212044 PantoneShadowGray = 10528186 AnnieSloanChalkParisGrey = 11911358 AnnieSloanChalkEnglishYellow = 3721441 ChalkGreen = 9279377 HollywoodNailsSupplyWhiteChalk = 13424342 FrenchicBlue = 12756877 FrenchicMermaid = 10399098 FrenchicSmokeSignal = 10463921 PastelYellow = 11328483 PastelLightGreen = 14212053 PastelGreen = 13292744 PastelPink = 14079201 PastelBlue = 14469318 PurpleRain = 6568276 PurpleRaining = 3680823 VBACarbon = 4735548 End EnumThe Zingy TThemes
Zingy uses a combination of pre-defined Themes like 'Dark'. These are Enumerations again, however this time each TTheme has its own internal members which are hard-coded as Array Elements. The possible TThemes are as follows (the Default TTheme should be used with the 'Skinless' Skin):
Public Enum TTheme Default = 1 Dark = 2 Navy = 3 Green = 4 End EnumTo edit any of these TThemes go into the Code and adjust the following segments of each TTheme (there are 5 parts to each TTheme but you can always add more if you like). To add and edit TThemes you will need to copy a set of Theme parameters and add this to the declaration below - you can only add a set amount I believe it is limited to 255 characters; I may be wrong. Make sure that you also add a new Enumeration TTheme name and its number ie. MyTheme = 5 in the Public TTheme Enum above:
' Themes (1=Default), 1. Theme enumeration, 2. background-color (Background), 3. color (Font used for the Modal), 4. border lines (Top/Bottom), 5. Button (Font) Dim Themes() As Variant: Themes = [{1,"#28445A","#F2F2F2","#1B2E3D","#F2F2F2"; 2,"#2C2C2C","#aaaaaa","#121212","#aaaaaa"; 3,"#1B2E3D","#aaaaaa","#121212","#aaaaaa"; 4,"#08151C","#aaaaaa","#121212","#aaaaaa"}]The Zingy TIcons
Zingy uses Icon Names as Enumumerations like 'Info' and 'TiredFace'. All of the Icons are encoded SVG Text Files that are then loaded or embedded into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet. The possible TIcons available are (you can always add more or edit these ones if you like, it's easy to do):
' Embedded Font Awesome Icons Public Enum TIcon ' 400 -> Question = 400 Info = 401 Quote = 402 Tick = 403 Cross = 404 Cogs = 405 Bell = 406 Bug = 407 Exclamation = 408 Key = 409 CloudDownload = 410 Copy = 411 Edit = 412 Eraser = 413 Plug = 414 FilePDF = 415 IDCard = 416 AltTrash = 417 AltComment = 418 Comment = 419 Comments = 420 Folder = 421 FolderOpen = 422 Copies = 423 Sticky = 424 TiredFace = 425 WindowClose = 426 ShareSquare = 427 List = 428 Image = 429 Hourglass = 430 Clipboard = 431 Clock = 432 BarChart = 433 Fork = 434 Coffee = 435 Copyright = 436 Dog = 437 Email = 438 ExclamationTriangle = 439 Ghost = 440 Smiley = 441 SmileyCrying = 442 SmileyWink = 443 End EnumThe Zingy Icon Size and Positioning
The IconSize is a number ie. 60 or 48 etc. which is self-explanatory and the IconPosition is one of two possible Enumerations for Left or Right positioning:
Public Enum TIconPosition FloatLeft = 1 FloatRight = 2 End EnumThe Zingy TAnimationIn and TAnimationOut Animations
Zingy uses TAnimationIn and TAnimationOut Names as Enumerations like 'Jello' and 'Roadrunner' for all of its Animations in and out of the Excel Window. All of the Animations are encoded Text Files that are then loaded or embedded into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet. You can add more if you like. Here are all of the avaialble TAnimationIn Enumerations:
Public Enum TAnimationIn ' 200 - 299 WileECoyote = 200 Rubberband = 201 Jello = 202 TaDa = 203 JackInTheBox = 204 RollInLeft = 205 Wobble = 206 BounceInLeft = 207 SlideInBlurredTop = 208 Vibrate = 209 ThumpingHeartbeat = 210 Bounce = 211 EllipticSlideTop = 212 EllipticSlideBottom = 213 Swing = 214 HeadShake = 215 Shake = 216 BounceInDown = 217 BounceIn = 218 HeartBeatPulse = 219 BackInLeft = 220 LightSpeedIn = 221 End EnumAnd here are all of the available AnimationOut Enumerations:
Public Enum TAnimationOut ' 300 - 399 Roadrunner = 300 BounceOutRight = 301 BounceDown = 302 RollRightBlurred = 303 FadeDown = 304 ' no longer can be used with Zingy as the Height of the HTML Window needs to be reduced to allow the UserForm to be dragged up to the top of the Screen BounceOutLeft = 305 SkewOut = 306 BounceOut = 307 ZoomOutRight = 308 BackOutRight = 309 SwirlOut = 310 SlideOutBlurredRight = 311 PuffOut = 312 End EnumThe Zingy TSpeeds
Zingy uses TSpeed Enumerations like 'Larghissimo' (slowest) and 'Prestissimo' (fastest) for all of its Animation speeds both in and out. Here are all of the avaialble TSpeed Enumerations:
Public Enum TSpeed Larghissimo = 1 Grave = 2 Lento = 3 Largo = 4 Larghetto = 5 Adagio = 6 Adagietto = 7 Andante = 8 Andantino = 9 MarciaModerato = 10 AndanteModerato = 11 Moderato = 12 Allegretto = 13 AllegroModerato = 14 Allegro = 15 Vivace = 16 Vivacissimo = 17 Allegrissimo = 18 Presto = 19 Prestissimo = 20 End EnumThe TSpeeds correlate to a Speeds() Array to help the Code to add the milliseconds ie. 'Grave := 2300 milliseconds'. Here is the Speeds() Array where X = the SpeedIn or SpeedOut (TSpeed) Enumeration Long values (this is also a pretty cool way of storing constant information in Variant Arrays to pull back at any time via Code ie. Speeds(0)(1, 1) will give you 'Larghissimo' and Speeds(0)(1, 2) will give you '2400', also Speeds(1)(1, 1) will give you 'AndanteModerato' and Speeds(1)(1,2) will give you '1400' nice...). If you like, you are having an Array of Arrays if you see what I mean ;)
' Speeds (0)(X, 1) = speed name, (0)(X, 2) = speed (milliseconds) Speeds = Array([{"Larghissimo",2400;"Grave",2300;"Lento",2200;"Largo",2100;"Larghetto",2000;"Adagio",1900;"Adagietto",1800;"Andante",1700;"Andantino",1600;"MarciaModerato",1500}], _ [{"AndanteModerato",1400;"Moderato",1300;"Allegretto",1200;"AllegroModerato",1100;"Allegro",1000;"Vivace",900;"Vivacissimo",800;"Allegrissimo",700;"Presto",600;"Prestissimo",500}])The Zingy TSkins
Zingy uses TSkin Names as Enumerations like 'WildOliva' and 'Carbon' for all of its Skins. All of the Skins are Base64 encoded Patterns (*.PNG) Files that are then saved as Text Files, which are subsequently loaded or embedded into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet. You can add more if you like as this is fairly easy - the only consideration here is that, if they are not small Patterns or are very complex then the Excel File will begin to inflate in size due to all of the data. Here are all of the avaialble TSkin Enumerations (a handful are transparent images which also means that you can overlay them ontop of different header and Footer Colours which gives a nice look - see Examples 104 and 105):
Public Enum TSkin ' 100 - 199 Skinless = -1 WildOliva = 100 WildOlivaLight = 101 BindingDark = 102 Carbon = 103 GreySquares = 104 DarkMosiac = 105 BrightSquares = 106 FolkPattern = 107 GPlay = 108 Hixs = 109 Inflicted = 110 Linen = 111 DarkSquares = 112 Tex2Res4 = 113 Woven = 114 Zwartevilt = 115 TwinkleTwinkle = 116 BlackLozenge = 117 BlackOrchid = 118 Cloth = 119 DebutDark = 120 GreyWashedWall = 121 StresedLinen = 122 Tweed = 123 BlackMamba = 124 TactileNoise = 125 DarkStripes = 126 Asfalt = 127 DarkEmbroidery = 128 Moulin = 129 OfficeBuilding = 130 SimpleDashed = 131 SlashIt = 132 VintageWallpaper = 133 ' large-ish Txture = 134 SpirationDark = 135 PinstripedSuit = 136 IronGrip = 137 MusePattern2 = 138 MusePattern12 = 139 MusePattern11 = 140 WhiteBlueBrownTextile = 141 TextilePattern1 = 142 AbstractPainting = 143 BrownWhiteYellowFloral = 144 Distressed = 145 ' large GreenGrunge = 146 ' large Triangles = 147 SmoothWall = 148 ' transparent, change Header & Footer Colours LightWool = 149 ' transparent, change Header & Footer Colours ColouredTriangles = 150 ' transparent, change Header & Footer Colours Arrows = 151 ' transparent, change Header & Footer Colours End EnumOther Zingy Parameters
The ButtonText parameter allows you to pass one or two Strings (Okay and Cancel Buttons) as part of a pipe '|' delimited list or a single String (Okay Button). You would do somethng like this (the Text you pass also becomes the Tooltips for the Buttons):
ButtonText:="Okay|Cancel"The AllowEscapeKey parameter allows the Dialog to be dismissed via the Escape {ESC} Key if set to True or not if set to False:
AllowEscapeKey:=TrueThe AllowModalClick parameter allows you to dismiss the Dialog by a click on the Body, however the Zingy Property called 'Draggable' must be set to 'Titlebar' like this (see Example 19 and you can then click the Text are or Footer of the Dialog to dismiss the Dialog):
Self.Draggable = TitlebarThe RoundCorner parameter will allow you to round the corners of the Zingy Dialog by a Long value, in pixels, like this (small numbers are better than large numbers):
RoundCorner:=2The BoxShadow is a pre-defined piece of Markup that gives the Zingy Dialog a nice 3D Shadow - you can edit it in the Dialog Class if you like and it is turned on by setting BoxShadow to True like this:
BoxShadow:=TrueThe DialogWidth and DialogHeight alow you to set different sizes for your Zingy Dialog's width and height. You can set these like this:
DialogWidth:=400 DialogHeight:=200
Create a Minimal Zingy File
Create a Minimal Stripped down version of Zingy
Zingy has already been cleaned / compressed but remains quite a large file due to the number of embedded Skins. However, if you only need say 4 Icons, a couple of Skins and a set number of Animations then you can very easily create a minimal version of Zingy by embedding specific resources into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet. Follow the steps below to do this:
1. Make a Copy of the original Zingy.xlsm file 2. Open another Excel instance and then Save it as your new Project Name ie. MyProject.xlsm (or .xlsb) 3. With both Zingly.xlsm and MyProject.xlsm open, go into the VBE Editor (Press ALT+F11) - you need to see the Code Modules and Project Explorer - click on the Sheet999 Code Module. On the Properties Window left side at the bottom you will see the Visible Property and '2 - xlSheetVeryHidden'. Change this to '-1 - xlSheetVisible' - now Click on Sheet 'Sheet999' in the Zingy.xlsm file and then right-click 'Move or Copy...' and select, To book: MyProject.xlsm and DO NOT click create a Copy - you MUST move this Sheet - go back into the VBE Editor and drag the Dialog, Easing, Effect, HTMLEvents, Properties, SystemMetric, SystemTiming and Wrapper Classes into your MyProject.xlsm file - also drag in the 'Embed' Code Module and the 'Examples1' Code Module into your MyProject.xlsm file 4. In MyProject.xlsm, add a Reference to the Microsoft HTML Object Library for the HTML Events Class, goto Tools->References on the File Menu at the top of the VBE Editor 5. Close Zingy.xlsm. In the MyProject.xlsm file go back into the VBE Code Editor and click into the 'mdEmbed' Code Module 6. Run the DeleteIconCustomProperties() Macro to remove all of the embedded Icons, Skins and Animations 7. Create a new Folder on your Laptop or PC and add just the Skins, Animations and Icons required for your new minimal Zingy 8. Run the EmbedResources() Macro in the 'Embed' Code Module and Select the Skins, Animations and Icons in your new Folder - these will be embedded into 'Sheet999' 9. Do a Debug->Compile VBAProject to identify an issues. If there are any issues it may be the Enumeration Names need commenting out if you reference Names that no longer exist - Scroll to the top of the Zingy Class Code Module and comment out any Icon, Skin, Animation Names that you have Not embedded into 'Sheet999' - Please Note: this is ONLY an issue if you have examples of mine where they reference Names of Enumerations NOT added by your new Skins, Icons and Animations selected in your Folder in Steps 7 & 8 10. Lastly, hide the 'Sheet999' again by doing the opposite of the above setting it back to '2 - xlSheetVeryHidden' Otherwise, that's it, you are good to go with your small file and bespoke Skins, Animations and Icons...
Additional Notes
Important! When creating a minimal Zingy you MUST add a Reference to the Microsoft HTML Object Library for the HTML Events Class and also remember to add a 'Public Self As New Properties' declaration in ONE Code Module for the Zingy Properties Class if you do not copy in my 'Examples1' Code Module! That's it...
Create a New Skin
Creating a New Skin as a Base64 Encoded .TXT File for Zingy
Creating a New Skin .TXT file to embed into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet is fairly straight-forward. Zingy has 52 available Base64 Encoded & Embedded Skins numbered 100 through to 151. They are in the Folder included with the Zip File download following purchase. The files are all Base64 encoded and follow a specific format. If you want to add a different Skin then follow these steps:
1. Make a Copy of a the last Skin .TXT File, '151 Arrows.txt' and increment the numeric counter, call it: '152 My New Skin.txt' - the 152 will be the next Skin Enumeration that we will add to the Zingy Dialog Class 2. Go into the Zingy Dialog Class Code Module and at the top where you see the 'Public Enum TSkin' declaration, add the additional line of code 'MyNewSkin = 152' where NewSkin is the Name that you want to call your Skin. Now you will be able to reference this Name via the Skin parameter in the '.Animate()' Function 3. Okay, now go and find a pattern for your new Skin - I use 4. Download the pattern, pick the smallest size and then Base64 encode this pattern - I use 5. Okay now open the '152. My New Skin.txt' File in a Text Editor and replace anything after: ';base64,' up until the closing Bracket ')' with the Base64 encoded Contents from the Website above. Save the File and exit the Text Editor 6. Open Zingy in the Code Editor and click into the 'mdEmbed' Code Module 7. Run the DeleteIconCustomProperties() Macro to remove all of the embedded Icons, Skins and Animations 8. Run the EmbedResources() and Select all of the Icons, Skins (including your new one) and Animations to embed these into 'Sheet999' 9. Copy one of the Examples and change the Skin Name from whatever it currently is to your new Skin Name (the one that you added for the extra line of code ie. MyNewSkin or 'Skin:=MyNewSkin'). In my example I called mine 'MyNewSkin' so I changed mine to MyNewSkin or 'Skin:=MyNewSkin' 10. Run the Example to view your new Skin in action That's it, now pat yourself on the back, nice job ;)
Create a New Icon
Creating a New SVG Icon as an Encoded .TXT File for Zingy
Creating a New SVG Icon .TXT file to embed into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet is fairly straight-forward. Zingy has 44 available Encoded SVG Icons numbered from 400 through to 443 that can have both their Colour and Size changed on-the-fly. The Icons are part of the FontAwesome collection of free Icons (not the newer Thin ones that you require an account for). They are in the Folder included with the Zip File download following purchase numbers 100 through to 151. The files are all encoded and follow a specific format. If you want to add a different SVG Icon then follow these steps:
1. Make a Copy of a the last Icon .TXT File, '443 Smiley Wink.txt' and increment the numeric counter, call it: '444 My New Icon.txt' - the 444 will be the next Icon Enumeration that we will add to the Zingy Dialog Class 2. Go into the Zingy Dialog Class Code Module and at the top where you see the 'Public Enum TIcon' declaration, add the additional line of code 'NewIcon = 444' where MyNewIcon is the Name that you want to call your Icon 3. Okay, now go and find yourself an Icon 4. Download the Icon - I use a Regular SVG downloaded in a full pack from FontAwesome 5. Okay now open the '444 My New Icon.txt' File in a Text Editor. Open the downloaded Regular Font Awesome Icon in the same Text Editor as a separate file 6. Replace anything in the '444 My New Icon.txt' File after '...<svg viewBox='0 0 512 512' width='64px' height='64px' fill='Black'><path d='' with the contents from between the 2 quotes for the 'path d=' in the Regular download SVG Font Awesome Icon File - in other words you are substituting anything for the 'path d=' in the Copy of the Icon .TXT File with the weird looking symbols in the New Icon File 7. Update the ViewBox size if this is different as well so replace viewBox='0 0 512 512' with viewBox='60 30 312 247' for example 8. Open Zingy in the Code Editor and click into the 'mdEmbed' Code Module 8. Run the DeleteIconCustomProperties() Macro to remove all of the embedded Icons, Skins and Animations 9. Run the EmbedResources() and Select all of the Icons (including your new one), Skins and Animations to embed these into 'Sheet999' 9. Copy one of the Examples and change the Icon Name from whatever it currently is to your new Icon Name (the one that you added for the extra line of code ie. MyNewIcon or 'Icon:=MyNewIcon'). In my example I called mine 'MyNewIcon' so I changed mine to MyNewIcon or 'Icon:=MyNewIcon' 10. Run the Example to view your new Icon That's it, you should be good to go with your new Icon!
Create a New Animation
Creating a New CSS Animation as an Encoded .TXT File for Zingy
Creating a New CSS Animation .TXT file to embed into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet is a little more complex than creating a Skin or Icon, so this process isn't for the faint-hearted or beginner. Zingy has 35 available Encoded CSS Animations created from a couple of resources and numbered from 200 through to 299 for the Animations In and numbered from 300 through to 399 for the Animations Out. CSS Animations were created from a Library called Animate by Daniel Eden · Github · Animate.CSS
Additional Generated Animations and the source used to demonstrate how to create a New Animation is from Animista
The files are all encoded and follow a specific format. If you want to add a different CSS Animation then follow these steps:
1. Make a Copy of a the last Animation In or Animation Out .TXT File - for this example we will create an Animation In File, '221 Light Speed In.txt' and increment the numeric counter, call it: '222 My New Animation.txt' - the 222 will be the next Animation In Enumeration that we will add to the Zingy Dialog Class (if you pick an Animation Out then you will add this to the Animation Out Enumeration) 2. Go into the Zingy Dialog Class Code Module and at the top where you see the 'Public Enum TAnimationIn' declaration, add the additional line of code 'MyNewAnimation = 222' where MyNewAnimation is the Name that you want to call your Animation In (this Name doesn't have to match the Text File Name as the Code uses the number) 3. Okay, now go and find yourself an Animation In - I will use Animista. Press Start on their Website 4. Choose an Animation. Tick the 'Minify' Button (Top Left) and then press the little Code Brackets Icon (Top Right) to Generate the Code for the Animation. Open a Text Editor and Copy the KeyFrames from the Website and Paste it into your Text Editor 5. Delete the initial @-Webkit part of the Text, for example in the following fragment for the first 'Scale-Up, scale-up-center' Animation: @-webkit-keyframes scale-up-center{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(.5);transform:scale(.5)}100%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);transform:scale(1)}} <-- delete this up until this --> @keyframes 6. Now also delete anything that includes -webkit as IE does not recognise this nor require it for the Animation to work and doing this to the same example I get the following (I added semi-colons at the end of each part of CSS but you don't have to): @keyframes scale-up-center { 0% { transform:scale(.5); } 100% { transform:scale(1); }} 7. Now I like to change the Name to something like scaleUpCenter, so I adjust the CSS like this: @keyframes scaleUpCenter { 0% { transform:scale(.5); } 100% { transform:scale(1); }} 8. Now go back and copy the Class Text with your Mouse and Paste it after the CSS. Again remove any -webkit parts and lastly change the Class Name to the same as the Name 'scaleUpCenter' like this (even though early IE does not recognise Cubic Bezier, leave this in the CSS): @keyframes scale-up-center { 0% { transform:scale(.5); } 100% { transform:scale(1); }} .scaleUpCenter{ animation:scaleUpCenter .4s cubic-bezier(.39,.575,.565,1.000) both; } 9. Okay now open the '222 My New Animation.txt' File in a Text Editor and replace the Text with the CSS you just created 10. Open Zingy in the Code Editor and click into the 'Dialog' Class Code Module and add the Enum to the bottom of the Animation In Enumerations 'Public Enum TAnimationIn' like this: 'MyNewAnimation = 222' 11. Scroll further down the Code until you find the Array declarations for the Animation In Animations 'Dim AnimationsIn() As Variant'. For the Animation In, in the second Array part add the next number and the Name of your CSS Class Animation like this (the number will allow the Code to choose the right Class using the Long Enumeration using some fancy Math): AnimationsIn = [{1,"swing";2,"headShake";3,"shake";4,"bounceInDown";5,"bounceIn";6,"heartbeatpulse";7,"backInLeft";8,"lightSpeedInLeft";9,"scaleUpCenter"}] 12. Open Zingy in the Code Editor and click into the 'mdEmbed' Code Module 8. Run the DeleteIconCustomProperties() Macro to remove all of the embedded Icons, Skins and Animations 9. Run the EmbedResources() and Select all of the Icons (including your new one), Skins and Animations to embed these into 'Sheet999' 9. Copy one of the Examples and change the Animation In Name from whatever it currently is to your new Animation Name (the one that you added for the extra line of code ie. MyNewAnimation or 'AnimationIn:=MyNewAnimation'). In my example I called mine 'MyNewAnimation' so I changed mine to MyNewAnimation or 'AnimationIn:=MyNewAnimation' 10. Run the Example to view your new Animation In; to use an Animation Out the process is similar, just choose a Text File from 300 onwards and rememebr to add the Class to the AnimationsOut() Array See, it wasn't so bad, you should now be able to create and add more Animations for your Zingy Dialog
Create a New Preloader
Creating a New Animated GIF Preloader as an Encoded .TXT File for Zingy
Creating a New Preloader .TXT file to embed into the hidden 'Sheet999' Sheet is fairly straightforward. First of all you need to create your Preloader. There are many sites out there that allow you do this. I like using
Login to this site using Facebook or Google, or create yourself a new account, it's free. Next choose a free Preloader. Change/edit the Colours, Size and Speed of your Preloader. I chose a Size of '128px', you can alter this via the Code in Zingy so if you need larger sizes go for something like '200px'. Now you MUST set the background Colour to the one you want to use with Zingy as the Animations get corrupted by the Transparency used to alter the UserForm. I chose '#2C2C2C' the background Colour of the Dark Theme. Here is my Preloader ready for downloading:
Press the 'GIF' button and download your Preloader. Follow the steps below:
1. Make a Copy of a the last Icon .TXT File - for this example we will recreate an existing Preloader Icon File, '444 Preloader Cogs.txt' (you need to increment the numeric counter if it is a New Preloader, the name is just for reference) 2. Base64 Encode the Preloader File that you just downloaded using Drag the file into the Box on this site and then Copy all of the Base64 Text 3. Open the Preloader Icon File, '444 Preloader Cogs.txt' in any Text Editor. Clear any data from after the Text 'data:image/gif;base64,' until the end. Paste the data you have in the Clipboard after the comma. Save and Close the File 4. Go into the Zingy Dialog Class Code Module and at the top where you see the 'Public Enum TIcon' declaration, add the additional line of code 'Preloader = 444' or 'My New Preloader = 487' if you created a new File called '487 My New Preloader.txt' 5. Run the EmbedResources() in the 'Embed' Code Module and Select all of the Icons (including your new one), Skins and Animations to embed these into 'Sheet999' 6. Copy one of the Examples and change the Icon Name from whatever it currently is to your new Preloader Icon Name ie. PreloaderCogs - the one that you added for the extra line of code above 'Preloader = 444' or 'My New Preloader = 487' 8. Run the Example to view your new Preloader Animation 9. Remember to add the 'Self.PreloaderOrPNG = True' declaration to any Code Routine That's it, you should now be able to create and add more Animated GIF Preloader for your Zingy DialogHere is one I created for you! Why not create your own to match a specific set of Zingy Colours
How to use the Themes with Zingy
Themes (TThemes) are including with Zingy to allow you to fine tune some of the Zingy characteristics. You pass a TTheme into the Theme Parameter like this:
Theme:=SlateAvaialable Themes are as follows:
Public Enum TTheme Default = 1 Dark = 2 Navy = 3 Green = 4 Slate = 5 End EnumA Theme will adjust the following elements of Zingy (the first number is simply the Theme Enumeration Long Value):
1. Theme enumeration ie. 1 = Default 2. Background-color (Background Colour of the main Text area of Zingy) 3. Colour (Font Colour used for the Modal) 4. Section divider lines Colour (Top/Bottom) 5. Button (Font Colour)Themes have limitations in that a maximum of 5 can be used with Zingy without further Code modification, however you can edit these and change their defaults should you wish. To edit a Theme go into the VBE Code Editor and scroll down until you find the Themes Code. Each Theme is stored within a Themes Array with a semi-colon dividing them up like this:
Themes = [{1,"#28445A","#F2F2F2","#1B2E3D","#F2F2F2"; 2,"#2C2C2C","#aaaaaa","#121212","#aaaaaa"; 3,"#1B2E3D","#aaaaaa","#121212","#aaaaaa"; 4,"#172A23","#aaaaaa","#06160D","#aaaaaa"; 5,"#3C4248","#aaaaaa","#060402","#aaaaaa"}]Themes are at their best when you combine some other Zingy Properties like the Header and Footer Colours together with the Button Background Colours, so add additional 'Self.' declarations to your Code Subroutines like this to Style these elements:
Self.HeaderColour = "#101E19" Self.ButtonBackground = "#101E19" Self.FooterColour = "#101E19" ' and maybe the Rollover Font Colours Self.ButtonRolloverFontColour = "#2C2C2C" Self.CloseCrossRolloverFontColour = "#2C2C2C"Once you have got the hang of using Themes, you can do some interesting things with them, for example use them alongside element Styling with Transparent Skins to create some different Zingy Dialogs like these Green Theme featured SmoothWall/ColouredTriangles Skin examples (see how the Styled darker Green shows through the Skin Transparency):
Screeen Shots of the Zingy Dialog
The Zingy Dialog using the default Theme and a Skinless Body with its 'Rajdhani' Font. You can choose whether to drag the Zingy Dialog by its Titlebar, its Titlebar and Textbox or by all of the parts that make up the Zingy Dialog including the Footer area where the Buttons reside
Using an Alternative Icon - choose from over 30 embedded SVG Icons with the capability of changing both the Colour and Size of the Icons
Using an Alternative Colour - choose from over 30 TColours or make up your own. You can change the Colour of many parts of this Dialog using the TColour Parameter in the Animate() function. Here we change the Icon and interactive Close Cross and Button Colours. Other Colours like the Close Cross Font Colour for example can be changed using different methods via the Zingy Properties Class
Here we change the Colour to Light Grey but then we also change the Colours for the interactive close cross and buttons to Banana. The observant people may have also noticed that as the Mouse 'Rolls' over the Button the 3D Button Border is removed - this is optional as well and you can choose to highlight or lowlight your Buttons with or without a 3D Border
By default the Buttons display a HTML 'Title' Tooltip, however you can remove the Tootips for the Buttons by setting the 'RemoveButtonTooltips' member of the Properties Class to True
You can use <span> tags to highlight the Text in the Titlebar. By default this setting uses the TColour Parameter but you can use any Colour with an additional 'Inline' Style
You can use a more condensed highlight tag for the Titlebar Text and you can also use <span> tags to highlight the Text in the Textbox area next to the Icon. Again, by default this setting uses the TColour Parameter but you can use any Colour with an additional 'Inline' Style
The amount of different styling you can add to Zingy is incredible. You can override highlight tags using the Properties Class and use 'Inline Styles' as well and don't foget you can easily expand on these styles yourself in the HTML/CSS Markup
You can use Skins with Zingy to add Base64 encoded images to the Header and Footer. This is a Dark Embroidery Skin
This is a Txture Skin
Something beautiful · This is a Iron Grip Skin with a Dark Theme, Quote Icon and Wet Yellow Chalk Colours
Something sleek · This is a Carbon Skin with a Dark Theme, Quote Icon and Wet Yellow Chalk Colours
Something different · This is a Muse 11 Skin together with a Navy Theme, Key Icon and Burnt Green Colours
Mixing it up a little · This is a Muse 11 Skin together with a Dark Theme, Quote Icon and GeoOrange Colours, as it pops up to the user and then as I hover over the Cancel Button
Something different again · This is a Muse 2 Skin together with a Navy Theme, Edit Icon and Burnt Caramel Colours - here we swap the Icon around the the right-hand side
Buttons · Here is a Zingy Dialog with a Single Button
Buttons · Here is a Zingy Dialog with Two Buttons
Return Values · Here we present a Zingy Dialog ready to capture user interaction. Then we present back to the user a new Zingy Dialog informing them of their interaction
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Chalk Solidz Formica Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Frenchic Blue Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Frenchic Mermaid Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Frenchic Smoke Signal Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Frenchic Smoke Signal Colour being Rolled over
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a HollywoodNails Supply White Chalk Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Almost Mauve Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Almost Mauve Colour being Rolled over - we change the Font to a Darker Colour so that the Text is more clearly defined
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Deuville Mauve Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Mauve Chalk1 Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Mauve Chalk2 Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Mauve Shadows Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Pantone Shadow Gray Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Parquet Chalkboard Brown Colour
Beautiful Chalky Colours · This is a Parquet Chalkboard Ivory Colour
Makeover Screen Shots · Create Beautiful Animated Dialogs by giving your Zingy a Makeover
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a White Blue Brown Textile Skin and a Bluish Colour scheme. We will change the Rollover Font Colours to make it easier to see the Text
And, here we show the user 'Rolling' over the Button with the Mouse
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Textile Pattern 1 Skin and a Orangish Colour scheme. We will change the Rollover Font Colours to make it easier to see the Text
And, here we show the user 'Rolling' over the Close Cross with the Mouse
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Abstract Painting 1 Skin and a MuddySquishy Colour scheme. We will change the Rollover Font Colours to make it easier to see the Text
And, here we show the user 'Rolling' over the Button with the Mouse
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Brown White Yellow Floral Skin and a Gold Colour scheme
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Distressed Skin and a Distressed Blue Colour scheme
Makeover Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Green Grunge Skin and a Distressed Green Colour scheme
Lightbox Screen Shots · Create Beautiful Animated Dialogs by displaying your Zingy ontop of a Lightbox
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Grey Squares Skin and BurntRed Colour scheme with a Plug Icon on a White Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Binding Dark Skin and Banana Colour scheme with a Bug Icon on a Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window. I increased the Height of the Dialog slightly so as to get more content into the Text area
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Binding Dark Skin and Banana Colour scheme with a Bug Icon on a very Dark Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Dark Mosaic Skin and Burnt Pink Colour scheme with a Bug Icon on a Dark Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Tweed Skin and Blue Wet Chalk Colour scheme with a Tired Face Icon on a White Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Debut Dark Skin and Pink Wet Chalk Colour scheme with a Image Icon on a Dark Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Green Grunge Skin and Bespoke Green Colour scheme with a Quote Icon on a Dark Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Lightbox Zingy Dialog · This Dialog features a Brown White Yellow Floral Skin and Gold Colour scheme with a Quote Icon on a Dark Black Lightbox that fits to the Excel Window
Awesome Zingy Dialog Screen Shots · Create Stunning Professional Looking Animated Dialogs for Excel
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Muse 12 Skin and a Frenchic Mermaid Colour scheme with a Thick Border of 6px. This Dialog is a really Professional Dialog that can be easily incorpurated into your Projects
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Wild Oliva Skin and a Frenchic Smoke Signal Colour scheme with a Thick Border of 6px
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Wild Oliva Skin and a Frenchic Blue Colour scheme with a Thick Border of 6px and the Header and Footer Borders also at 6px
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a White Brown Blue Textile Skin and a Bluish Colour scheme with a Thick Border of 6px and the Header and Footer Borders also at 6px
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Tex2Res4 Skin and a Pantone Mauve Shadows Colour scheme with a Thick Border of 6px and the Header and Footer Borders also at 6px
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features an Unordered List of Pancake Ingredients
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features an Ordered List of Pancake Ingredients with the Left Margin Adjusted
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features Checkboxes that can be selected by the user
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features more Checkboxes that can be selected by the user
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features more Checkboxes that can be selected by the user. This time if the user presses Okay but makes no selections then we don't present any info back and we also replace the "I want to " in the Checkbox Items to then present back a consolidated. amended list of chosen selections to the user
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features Radiobuttons that can be selected by the user
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Dropdown Combo that can have one option selected by the user
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Listbox or Selection Area where users can select one or more options
Awesome Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Login area for a Username and a Password. In order to prgress both must be entered or the Dialog can be cancelled
My Latest Zingy Dialog Screen Shots · Create Stunning Animated Dialogs for Excel
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Smooth Wall Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Navy Theme
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Smooth Wall Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a new Fork Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Light Wool Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a new Fork Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Coloured Triangles Skin and a Blue Wet Chalk Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a new Coffee Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Arrows Skin and a Yellow Wet Chalk Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a new Ghost Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Smooth Wall Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Navy Theme with a new Smiley Wink Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Iron Grip Skin and a Banana Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a Batman PNG Icon. It also demonstrates an Icon / Text area divider line
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a repositioned Facebook Preloader
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Smooth Wall Skin and a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Navy Theme with a Circle Preloader. This Dialog has a Box Shadow around the Modal and looks best on a White background
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin and a Leaf Colour scheme on a Dark Theme without an Icon
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses inline HTML to pull a Zombie image from
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses inline HTML to pull a Zombie image from and also changes the Close Cross Style and positioning
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses inline HTML to pull a Zombie image from and also changes the Close Cross Style and positioning - this is a Screen Shot of when the Mouse is hovered over the Close Cross
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses a repositioned Close Cross at the left of the Zingy Dialog
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses an alternative Heart Close Cross
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses an alternative Heart Close Cross
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses an alternative Padlock Close Cross
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses an alternative Thin Close Cross
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog uses a bespoke Close Cross Tooltip
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog demonstrates how you can remove the Footer area of the Zingy Dialog
Latest Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog demonstrates how you can remove the Footer area of the Zingy Dialog using the Zombie example from earlier
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new VerticalCloth skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new PXByGreg skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new NavyBlue skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new DarkDenim3 skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new DarkFishSkin skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new CrissXCross skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new ClassyFabric skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new Buried skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new BrokenNoise skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A new AlwaysGrey skin
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Data Gathering Dialog example
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Multiple Checkbox Read & Write Settings Dialog example. Pull in editable Checkbox Titles from Cells in a Sheet and then update the chosen Checkboxes and their respective Values
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Multiple Radiobutton Read & Write Settings Dialog example. Pull in editable Radiobutton Titles from Cells in a Sheet and then update the chosen Radiobuttons and their respective Values
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Dropdown Read & Write Settings Dialog example. Pull in editable Dropdown options from Cells in a Sheet and then update Cells with the chosen selection
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Listbox Read & Write Settings Dialog example. Pull in editable Listbox options from Cells in a Sheet and then update Cells with the chosen selections
Latest Zingy Dialogs · A Preselected Radiobutton Dialog example. Set a specific Radiobutton when presenting the Zingy Dialog and a list of Radiobuttons
Latest Zingy Dialogs · My Green Theme featured SmoothWall Skin example Zingy
Latest Zingy Dialogs · My Green Theme featured ColouredTriangles Skin example Zingy
My Zingy Dialog Preloader Screen Shots · Create Stunning Animated Dialogs for Excel
Please note: Using large or complex Preloader Images can bloat your Zingy.xlsm file despite compression
You can choose to use just 1 Base64 embedded Preloader or any amount of Preloaders that by minifying Zingy or your own Project by Reading this Section
Zingy Preloader Dialogs · This Dialog features a Wild Oliva Skin, a Pantone Mauve Chalk 2 Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a Cogs Preloader (Floated Left & Right)
Zingy Preloader Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin, a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a Rolling Preloader
Zingy Preloader Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin, a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a Facebook Preloader
Zingy Preloader Dialogs · This Dialog features a Smooth Wall Skin, a Annie Sloan Chalk Paris Grey Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a Circle Preloader
Bespoke PNG Screen Shots · Create Stunning Dialogs for Excel
Please note: Using large or complex PNG's can bloat your Zingy.xlsm file despite compression
You can choose to use just 1 PNG Base64 embedded Icon or any amount of Icons that are bespoke PNG's by minifying Zingy or your own Project by Reading this Section
Bespoke PNG Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin, a GeoRed Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a bespoke PNG Email Icon
Bespoke PNG Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a Carbon Skin, a Bright Green Colour scheme on a Navy Theme with a bespoke PNG Paper Icon
Bespoke PNG Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a DebutDark Skin, a Banana Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a bespoke PNG Batman Icon
Bespoke PNG Zingy Dialogs · This Dialog features a DebutDark Skin, a Banana Colour scheme on a Dark Theme with a bespoke PNG Superman Icon
* There are currently no FAQ for Zingy
Zingy Videos
This is a video of the Examples 1 through to 53 in the Zingy Download File including Skinless Zingy, capturing the return values, Zingy Makeovers, using the Zingy Lightbox, Crazy Animation Speeds and the Zingy Chalk Colour Dialogs. Music is 'Streets Of Punjab - Hanu Dixit'. View this video on YouTube
This is a video of the Examples 54 through to 89 in the Zingy Download File including different Animations, creating a Wrapper and making some lovely Zingy Dialogs. Music is 'The Bazaar Canon - Hanu Dixit'. View this video on YouTube
This is a video of the Examples 90 through to 113 in the Zingy Download File including swapping Fonts, Lists, Checkbox, Radiobutton and Input Dialogs. Music is 'The Charmer's Call - Hanu Dixit'. View this video on YouTube
This is a Short video of the Zingy Software demonstrating 4 different Examples of various Skins and Animations. Music is 'Streets Of Punjab - Hanu Dixit'
View this Sort video on YouTube
This is a Short video of the Zingy Software demonstrating 13 different Examples of Colours using the 'MusePattern12' Skin with a Dark Theme. Music is 'Realization - Hanu Dixit'
View this Sort video on YouTube
This is a Short video of the Zingy Software demonstrating different Makeover Examples with colourful Images. Music is 'Temple Of Freedom - Hanu Dixit'
View this Sort video on YouTube
This is a Short video of the Zingy Software demonstrating some brand new Animations. Music is 'Hallow's Beach - Quincas Moreira'
View this Sort video on YouTube
This is a Short video of the Zingy Software demonstrating some brand new Preloader Icon Animations. Music is 'Streets Of Punjab - Hanu Dixit'
View this Sort video on YouTube
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- Responding to questions or problems regarding the Software and its features
- Fixing valid (replicated) bugs and reported issues for the VERSION I HAVE WRITTEN
Software support does not include
- Customization and installation services
- Support for third party software or ANY kind of development whatsoever
Before seeking support
- Make sure your question is a valid Software Issue and not a customization request
- Make sure you have read through the FAQ's, online documentation and any related video guides before asking support on how to accomplish a task
- Ensure that you access to the VBOM is allowed and that Macros can run in Excel
- Make sure to provide 'proof of purchase' and state the name / version of the Software that you are having issues with when requesting support by Email or via Facebook
How to get Support
Contact Mark Kubiszyn on the Email address provided when you purchased the Software, including the Order Number
Remember to be patient, if there has been an issue with your download, Mark will always respond within 48 hours and will Email you the File directly if neccessary. For other issues the response time may be considerably longer and I may choose to respond to specific questions only (as is my right), depending on what has been asked
Future Builds
* No ideas as yet!
Bug Fixes
A bug exists on some users systems whereby as you drag the Zingy Dialog the outline of the Transparent UserForm is shown as you drag. This is a rare and rather strange bug that still allows you to use Zingy, only impacting the drag if used
Reported: 13.05.2023
Status: Open
The Font used throughout this Software in Excel is called 'Rajdhani', in a variety of weights from 300 up to 700. Zingy uses Google Fonts and you can use any Font that is available from Google - I demonstrate 'Raleway', 'Indie Flower' and 'Poppins' Fonts for Examples 90 through to 91. Check out Google Fonts here. Zingy Fonts are automatically downloaded on-the-fly so they will work no matter where the Workbook is stored as long as there is an internet connection, which is like, almost everywhere these days!Credits
The image embedded into Excel for the Zingy Workbook is Abstract Geometric Pattern Background Vector by Leon Hossain purchased under a Vecteezy Pro license. You can view and purchase the file hereFor some of the Seamless Background Patterns used for the Maekover Zingy Dialogs, I used images that are free on Unsplash. These images were by:
Kelly Sikkema · Patrick Hendry · Jon Tyson · Koushik Chowdavarapu · Sydney Rae · Visax
The Zingy Skins are Base64 encoded patterns that can be downloaded from
Icons were downloaded from FontAwesome · (Free License)
The Zingy File is Compressed and Cleaned using VBADecompiler.exe by Orlando
Code Inspections are maintained using Rubberduck
Base64 Image Files can be encoded using
Animations using the Animation Library called Animate by Daniel Eden · Github · Animate.CSS
Additional Generated Animations from Animista
If you want to create and name more Colours, then Colour Name Finder can be used on
If you want to create a new Seamless Pattern from your own images then you can use
The Zingy Preloaders used in Version 1.2 were created using
Some additional Icons were created from Icons with Free Licenses:
The KeyPass Icon is from a set of Icons by CheckoutDeliveryIcons_EpicPxls
The Email Icon is from a set of 'bikini60s' Icons by Sebastiano Guerriero
Additional Email and Paper Icons are from two sets of 'Flat' Icons by Pierre Borodin (set 1) and Pierre Borodin (set 2)
Batman and Superman images can be found on by Pasquale Vitiello - you can find more examples of his work here
The Zombie image used in version 1.4 is from by Zilena De Souza
Zingy HTML
HTML Markup
I created Zingy from Avante-garde tried and tested Markup. Obviously a lot changes occur as you integrate the Markup and JavaScript with the VBA CodeIf you want to see how I did it, then you can view the complete Markup HTML File
You will see how I trap the Animation In, finish and the Return Values with JavaScript Popups to indicate various integer results - this was all the testing I went through in order to build a VBA/CSS/JavaScript/HTML Dialog and it took some considerable time and dedication. I hope you appreciate all of the hard work!
Here is the Markup (Highlight with the Mouse and then Use CTRL+C to Copy the data):
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" /> <head> <title>Zingy</title> <style> body {font-family: 'Abel', sans-serif; font-weight: 400; font-size: 14px; color: #f0f0f0;} .modal {position: fixed; z-index: 1; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; background:#fff; box-sizing:border-box;} .modal-content {width: 400px; height: 210px; background-color: #5D6367; margin:0; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #5D6367; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); border-radius: 2px; /* we can style the Modal Content background which will be the Footer only, if required */ background-image: url(""); background-repeat: repeat; } .modal:target {width:400px;} .titlebox {width:100%; height: 40px; margin: 0px; background: #4D5459; border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0; border-radius: 2px 2px 0px 0px; /* we can style the Title if required */ background-image: url(""); background-repeat: repeat; } .title {display: inline-block; margin-top: 4px; margin-left: 12px; padding: 2px; font-size: 20px;} .closecross {transition: 0.3s; float: right; margin-top: 4px; margin-right: 12px; padding: 2px; font-size: 20px;} .closecross:hover, .closecross:focus {background: #7d3f48; color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer;} .contentbox {width:100%; display: flex;} .icon {margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 12px; background-color: #70757A; padding: 24px; background-image: url(""); background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* to increase / decrease the height of the Modal, make this adjustment in VBA - the height here needs to be 105px less than the height of the Modal to keep everything spaced out nicely */ .textbox {display:flex; width:100%; height:100px; margin-top: 1px; background-color: #70757A; color: #f0f0f0; font-size: 18px; padding: 18px 8px 8px 18px; border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0; overflow-x:hidden;} .okaybutton, .cancelbutton {color: #aaaaaa; float: left; padding: 0px 8px 2px 8px; display: inline-block; margin-top: 8px; margin-left: 12px; font-size: 18px; background: #2C2C2C; border-top: 1px solid #363636; border-left: 1px solid #363636; border-right: 1px solid #121212; border-bottom: 1px solid #121212; border-radius: 4px; } .cancelbutton {margin-left: 10px;} .okaybutton:hover, .okaybutton:focus, .cancelbutton:hover, .cancelbutton:focus {color: #eeeeee; background: #7d3f48; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer;} /* Animations In and Out will be replaced using VBA. Speeds are Basic Tempo Marking from slowest to fastest. legacy Carbon / Wild Oliva speeds are shown next to the Basic Tempo Markings */ .animated {animation-duration: 1s; animation-fill-mode: both;} .animated.Larghissimo {animation-duration: 2400ms;} /* sloth-like */ .animated.Grave {animation-duration: 2300ms;} .animated.Lento {animation-duration: 2200ms;} .animated.Largo {animation-duration: 2100ms;} .animated.Larghetto {animation-duration: 2000ms;} .animated.Adagio {animation-duration: 1900ms;} .animated.Adagietto {animation-duration: 1800ms;} .animated.Andante {animation-duration: 1700ms;} .animated.Andantino {animation-duration: 1600ms;} .animated.MarciaModerato {animation-duration: 1500ms;} /* snail */ .animated.AndanteModerato {animation-duration: 1400ms;} .animated.Moderato {animation-duration: 1300ms;} .animated.Allegretto {animation-duration: 1200ms;} /* beepbeep! */ .animated.AllegroModerato {animation-duration: 1100ms;} .animated.Allegro {animation-duration: 1000ms;} .animated.Vivace {animation-duration: 900ms;} .animated.Vivacissimo {animation-duration: 800ms;} /*zippy */ .animated.Allegrissimo {animation-duration: 700ms;} /* meepmeep! */ .animated.Presto {animation-duration: 600ms;} .animated.Prestissimo {animation-duration: 500ms;} @keyframes roadRunnerIn { 0% { transform:translateX(-1500px) skewX(30deg) scaleX(1.3); } 70% { transform:translateX(0%) skewX(0deg) scaleX(.9); } 100% { transform:translateX(0%) skewX(0deg) scaleX(.9);}} .roadRunnerIn {animation: roadRunnerIn forwards;} @keyframes roadRunnerOut { 0% { transform:translateX(0px) skewX(0deg) scaleX(1); } 30% { transform:translateX(0%) skewX(-5deg) scaleX(.9); } 100% { transform:translateX(1500px) skewX(30deg) scaleX(1.3);}} .roadRunnerOut {animation: roadRunnerOut forwards;} </style> </head> <body onload="animatein();"> <input type="hidden" value="0" id="ready"> <input type="hidden" value="0" id="exitready"> <input type="hidden" value="0" id="return-type"> <input type="hidden" value="0" id="exit"> <div class="modal" name="modal" id="modal" onselectstart="return false;" ondragstart="return false;"> <div class="modal-content" name="modal-content" id="modal-content"> <div class="titlebox"> <span class="title" name="title" id="title">Avant-garde</span> <span class="closecross" name="closecross" id="closecross" title="Close">×</span> </div> <div class="contentbox"> <span class="textbox" name="textbox" id="textbox"> <span class="icon" name="icon" id="icon"></span> Message </span> </div> <span class="okaybutton" name="okaybutton" id="okaybutton" title="Okay, Understood">Okay, Understood</span> <span class="cancelbutton" name="cancelbutton" id="cancelbutton" title="Cancel">Cancel</span> </div> </div> <script> var modal = document.getElementById("modal"); var closecrossbtn = document.getElementById("closecross"); var okaybtn = document.getElementById("okaybutton"); var cancelbtn = document.getElementById("cancelbutton"); // Handle all of the Button Clicks closecrossbtn.onclick = function() {if(document.getElementById("ready").value > 0) {document.getElementById("return-type").value = 2; alert('2'); animateout(); return eventCancel(false);} } okaybtn.onclick = function() {if(document.getElementById("ready").value > 0) {document.getElementById("return-type").value = 3; alert('3'); animateout(); return eventCancel(false);} } cancelbtn.onclick = function() {if(document.getElementById("ready").value > 0) {document.getElementById("return-type").value = 4; alert('4'); animateout(); return eventCancel(false);} } modal.onclick = function() {if(document.getElementById("ready").value > 0) {document.getElementById("return-type").value = 5; alert('5'); animateout(); return eventCancel(false);} } // here is where we will toggle any Classnames for the Animation In and its respective speed. the Timeout function needs to match the Animation In speed and will then allow a Button or Mouse click function animatein() {var d = document.getElementById('modal'); d.className += " animated roadRunnerIn MarciaModerato"; setTimeout(animationinended, 1500);} function animationinended() {document.getElementById("ready").value = 6; alert('animation in ended');} function animateout() {var d = document.getElementById('modal'); d.className += " animated roadRunnerOut MarciaModerato"; setTimeout(animationoutended, 1500);} function animationoutended() {document.getElementById("exitready").value = 6; alert('animation out ended')} function finish() {document.getElementById('exit').value=1;} document.oncontextmenu=function() {return false;} document.onkeydown = function() { switch (event.keyCode){ case 116 : // F5, Refresh() event.returnValue = false; event.keyCode = 0; return false; case 27 : // Escape {ESC} Key if(document.getElementById("ready").value > 0) {document.getElementById("return-type").value = 1; alert('1'); animateout(); return eventCancel(false);} event.returnValue = false; event.keyCode = 0; return false; } } // Prevent any kind of bubbling up for events after usage. this ensures only the correct return value will be set by the Button or Mouse Click actions eventCancel = function (e) { if (!e) if (window.event) e = window.event; else return; if (e.cancelBubble != null) e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (window.event) e.returnValue = false; if (e.cancel != null) e.cancel = true; } </script> </body> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" lazyload> </html>
Read more information on the status of each release below. The latest Version including a description of any changes is shown first
10.05.2023 - (Version 1.5)
Added another 10 new Skins
Added an example to demonstrate data gathering, picking up values from Cells and then editing them in Input Boxes on a Zingy Dialog and then writing them back out again - see example 164
Added a 'Self.GetInputStatus' to accompany the 'Self.GetInput' so that you can also pass a pipe-delimited String of Checked/Not Checked values in the form of TRUE/FALSE to automatically set each Checkbox as either On or Off - see example 165
Added a Radiobutton preselected example demonstrating how to select one of the Radiobuttons when presenting them to the end user; this is similar to the Checkbox example using the 'Self.GetInputStatus' to hold the True or selected Radiobutton - see example 166
Added a Multiple Radiobuttons Read & Write example demonstrating how to maintain a list of Radiobutton Titles, pull them into the Code and display them on a Zingy Dialog as Radiobuttons. Once the user has updated their choice, the Code then writes the chosen Radiobutton Value as TRUE. Using a Formula you can identify the chosen Radiobutton ID, Title and Value - see example 167
Added a Read & Write Dropdown example demonstrating how to maintain a list of choices, pull them into the Code and display them on a Zingy Dialog as a Dropdown Combo. Once the user has updated their choice, the Code then writes the chosen Dropdown Value out. Using a Formula you can identify the chosen Index - see example 168
Added a Read & Write Listbox example demonstrating how to maintain a list of choices, pull them into the Code and display them on a Zingy Dialog as a Listbox or Selection Area. Once the user has updated their choices, the Code then writes the chosen Lisbox Values out. Using a Formula you can identify the chosen Indexes - see example 169
Sorted out the Themes as they were not completed correctly since the release of version 1
08.05.2023 - (Version 1.4)
Added extra Properties to control the Top and Left Margin for the Icon and the Text area with additional Examples of usage
Added a Large Batman PNG example using Icon repositioning and a second example using a new 'DividerStyle' Property which if set, is added to the Icon and must be styled inline by the user. This allows you to create a 'groove' or 'inset' Border spaced from the Icon which will act as a kind of psuedo Vertical Divider line for the Textbox area and any subsequent Text when using 'FloatLeft' for the IconPosition (default)
Added a single TIcon Enumeration 'NoIcon' to prevent an Icon from being displayed should you just want a Text area only when using 'FloatLeft' for the IconPosition (default)
Added an example of using inline HTML Markup to pull a Zombie image from and position it in the Dialog
Overhauled the Close Cross positioning, Font Size and Styles of Cross to allow some degree of movement Top and Right, but also to allow a totally different Style of symbol to be used for the Close Cross. Made some examples of usage to demonstrate some of the nicer symbols and effects when resizing and / or moving the Close Cross
Added the ability to set and / or turn off the Close Cross Tooltip
Added the ability to remove the Footer of the Zingy Dialog
Added the abilty to use a Timeout to run after the 'AnimationIn' has ended. You can set any time in Milliseconds ie. 3 * 1000 for 3 seconds. The Dialog will Timeout regardless of whether or not the Dialog is being dragged
07.05.2023 - (Version 1.3)
Added the ability to Use PNG's for the Icon Parameter. The PNG must be Base64 encoded similar to the Skins
Added new examples of various embedded PNG's at different Widths and Heights ie. Email, Paper, Batman and Superman. Also demonstrate the use of Transparent images, allowing the image to sit on any Zingy Textbox area background Colour
Added additional Animations: TiltInLeft, SLideOutRight, SlideOutEllipticLeft from Animista
06.05.2023 - (Version 1.2)
Added the ability to Use Animated GIF's for the Icon Parameter. The GIF must be Base64 encoded similar to the Skins
02.05.2023 - (Version 1.1)
The 'AllowModalClick As Boolean = True' has been changed to 'AllowModalClick As Boolean = False' by default, in the Animate() function
A fix has been put in situ for the issue where when presenting Zingy Dialogs one after another, the HTMLEvents do not fire to allow the Zingy Dialog parts to remain Draggable
- by moving the Code that gets dynamically created from the UserForm_Activate() Event to a standalone event and then calling it from the Animate(), just after displaying the Dialog, this fixes the issue
Changed the Name of the SkewOut Animation to LightSpeedOut
Added some brand new Animations: BackInLeft, BackOutRight, LightSpeedIn (Animate by Daniel Eden) and SwirlOut, SlideOutBlurredRight (Animista)
01.05.2023 - (Version 1)
General release of Zingy