
Introducing Info Bubble for Excel

Interactive, Draggable, Modal or Modeless Information Bubbles to use in Excel 2016 (32bit or 64bit, Version 16) · Build Beautiful, Modern UserForms for Excel

If you want to have a really nice, modern looking MsgBox for Excel then how about using my Info Bubble. Info Bubble uses my minified Extensibility Class for Excel (redacted from my UserForm-Extensibility Class) to make some aspects of interactivity easier like adding a Hand Cursor to a Close Cross or allowing a UserForm or parts of a UserForm to be transparent and / or dragged by the Mouse. All of the Credits for Images are in the Download File together with links for Purchasing Vectors (where I have used Pro licenses myself) to enable you to develop this Software further should you so wish

You are purchasing Info Bubble v1 which includes the Extensibility Class, a one-size '.BMP' Image and '.PNG' transparent Close Cross, Buttons and Icon


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  • Microsoft Excel 2016 Version 16 (32bit or 64bit) · designed for Office 365 Windows 11
  • Basic to moderate Excel Skills and some basic VBA skills
  • Windows PC · NOT a Mac!
  • No support is provided for customization of this Software


  • Self.RemoveCaptionBordersAndSetTransparency - remove the Caption, Borders from a UserForm and sets the Transparency so that you can use a .BMP and make the White parts transparent in Excel
  • Self.AllowDrag - creates a draggable UI Interface, move the UserForm (or other Controls on the UserForm) around with the Mouse
  • Use with both Modal or Modeless UserForms
  • Use the Escape Key {ESC} to exit
  • Interactive Close Cross - changes colour when the Mouse rolls over it and shows the Hand Cursor via the Extensibility Class
  • Message as a Label Control - Change the Text, Text Size, Weight and Colour of your Info Bubble Message
  • Free Close Cross Icon
  • Two isolated, extracted and manipulated .BMP (Bitmap) that can now be loaded directly into a UserForm. Please note: this is taken from a Pro-licensed set of Vector images so you only have two, one-size Info Bubble image Files, but you can always purchase the File separately and create your own Info Bubbles or any other kind of Message Bubble! (links to any Images used are all available in the Download File)


Right-click and extract the contents of the File Bitmaps are stored in the 'bmps' Folder, Transparent .PNG's are stored in the 'transparent images' Folder. Open InfoBubble.xlsm and test the Examples

To use Info Bubble in your own Projects open InfoBubble.xlsm and your own Macro-enabled Project. Then open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) and drag the Extensibility Class and any of the UserForms into your Project. Add and configure any of the Example Code in the Examples Code Module to use each Info Bubble

Take some time to examine how Info Bubble works and read the 'Usage' Section in this online documentation before you begin to create your own Info Bubble Message Boxes for Excel or before turning to Support


How to use Info Bubble

Quick How To...
To use Info Bubble in your own Projects open InfoBubble.xlsm and your own Macro-enabled Project. Then open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) and drag the Extensibility Class and any of the UserForms into your Project. Add and configure any of the Example Code in the Examples Code Module to use each Info Bubble

Info Bubble
The standard Info Bubble is the first UserForm called 'Info'. This includes the Info Bubble .BMP loaded into a UserForm, an interactive Close Cross (made up of two Image Controls) and a configurable Message (a Label Control). To display this in your Excel Workbook simply use Code like this in any standard Code Module:
Public Sub Example1()
   With Info
      .Message.Font.Bold = True
      .Message.Caption = "This is an Info Bubble" & Chr$(10) & "- you can add your own text here"
      .Show 0
   End With
End Sub

Info Icon Bubble
The Info Icon Bubble uses slightly smaller modified Font for the Message and includes an Information Icon. To display this in your Excel Workbook simply use Code like this in any standard Code Module:
Public Sub Example2()
   With InfoIcon
      .Message.Font.Bold = True
      .Message.Font.Size = 12
      .Message.Caption = "This is an Info Bubble with an Icon and a smaller font" & Chr$(10) & "- you can add your own text here"
      .Show 0
   End With
End Sub

Info Icon Button Bubble
The Info Icon Button Bubble uses slightly smaller modified Font for the Message, includes an Information Icon and an interactive Button. To display this in your Excel Workbook simply use Code like this in any standard Code Module:
Public Sub Example3()
   With InfoIconButton
      .Message.Font.Bold = True
      .Message.Font.Size = 12
      .Message.Caption = "This is an Info Bubble with an Icon and Button"
      .Show 0
   End With
End Sub

Extensibility Class
The Extensibility Class is required for Info Bubble to remove the Caption and Borders from a UserForm. It also allows the White colour to become transparent so that you can use irregular Window Sizes for the UserForm via .BMP's. It allows a number of simple ways to extend your UserForms, for example to make them (or any Control) draggable use the following Code:
Option Explicit

Private Self As New Extensibility

' UserForm
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   Set Self.Assign = Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
End Sub
To show a hand Cursor use the following Code:
Option Explicit

Private Self As New Extensibility

' UserForm
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   Set Self.Assign = Me
End Sub

Private Sub Close_Cross_Active_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
   Self.AddCursor IDC_HAND
End Sub
To remove the Caption, Borders and allow Transparency of White (a Long Colour Code) use the following Code:
Option Explicit

Private Self As New Extensibility

' UserForm
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   Set Self.Assign = Me
   Self.RemoveCaptionBordersAndSetTransparency 16777215  
End Sub

Modal or Modeless?
To change the Info Bubble from a Modeless UserForm to a Modal UserFrom simply change the zero (0) after the Code '.Show' to a 1 like this:
Public Sub Example1()
   With Info
      .Message.Caption = "Hello World!"
      .Show 1
   End With
End Sub

Image Processes - Loading in a Bitmap to a UserForm or Control
An easy way of getting an image into a UserForm or one of its Controls is to load a '.BMP' (Bitmap) directly. Use the 'Picture' member to Browse and load the File. To create a Bitmap you can use Photoshop to take any Transparent Image saved as a '.PNG' and convert it by using 'Save As' into a Bitmap, choose Format 'BMP (*.BMP;*.RLE;*.DIB)', File Format 'Windows' and Depth '24 Bit'. Where you need to have the Background Colour a different Colour from standard White '255, 255, 255' for your Bitmap, because for example you are using White as the Transparent Colour, which would cause holes in your image, then use the Paint Bucket Tool, selecting an alternative Colour by entering the RGB Values ie. '254, 254, 254' together with settings, Opacity '100%', Tolerance '30' and tick the Anti Alias checkbox

Image Processes - Loading in a Transparent PNG to a UserForm or Control
A trick I use all of the time is to use my Free ImageTransparency.xlsm Software to load in a Transparent '.PNG' File into a UserForm or one of its Controls - you can download this free here. This technique allows you to load any PNG and then Paste it into the Picture memeber of the UserForm or Control. You MUST set the background Colour 'BackColor' of the UserForm or Control in the single UserForm within the ImageTransparency.xlsm File first and this should be a VB Hex Colour - use a great Tool like 'InstantEyeDropper' to do this, it's free and can be downloaded from here. Now press the 'Copy to Clipboard' Button in the ImageTransparency.xlsm Software to Browse and load in the PNG File. Switch to Excel and Paste into the Picture member. The PNG image will now be added to the UserForm or Control and the Transparent Colour will be replaced by the VB Hex Colour that you used for the BackColor of the UserFrom or Control

Screeen Shots

Info Bubble for Excel, making UserForms beautiful!


Info Bubble - the Software. You get an isolated and manipulated .BMP (Bitmap) that can be loaded into a UserForm, a Close Cross, a Message, an Icon and a Button


More Info Bubbles - in Version 1.1, I added another Rounded Rectangular Bubble



* There are currently no FAQ for Info Bubble

Info Bubble Videos

This is a video of the Info Bubble Software. Music is 'Hallow's Beach - Quincas Moreira'. View this video on YouTube


Support is 100% optional and I provide it for your convenience, so please be patient, polite and respectful

Support for my Software

  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the Software and its features
  • Fixing valid (replicated) bugs and reported issues for the VERSION I HAVE WRITTEN

Software support does not include

  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software or ANY kind of development whatsoever

Before seeking support

  • Make sure your question is a valid Software Issue and not a customization request
  • Make sure you have read through the FAQ's, online documentation and any related video guides before asking support on how to accomplish a task
  • Ensure that you access to the VBOM is allowed and that Macros can run in Excel
  • Make sure to provide 'proof of purchase' and state the name / version of the Software that you are having issues with when requesting support by Email or via Facebook

How to get Support

Contact Mark Kubiszyn on the Email address provided when you purchased the Software, including the Order Number
Remember to be patient, if there has been an issue with your download, Mark will always respond within 48 hours and will Email you the File directly if neccessary. For other issues the response time may be considerably longer and I may choose to respond to specific questions only (as is my right), depending on what has been asked

Future Builds

* No ideas as yet!

Bug Fixes

* There are currently no bugs identified for Info Bubble


Read more information on the status of each release below. The latest Version including a description of any changes is shown first

26.02.2023 - (Version 1)

General release of Info Bubble

27.02.2023 - (Version 1.1)

Added an additional .BMP in a more Rounded Rectangular style, so you have a couple of Bubble Options - to get more, purchase the Vector Pack from the links and create your own